Important Places and Numbers

Important Places and Numbers

Australia uses 8-digit local phone numbers preceded by a 2-digit STD area code. To ring Tasmanian fixed line numbers from outside Tasmania, add 03 from mainland states and add 61 3 from outside Australia.

To dial a Tasmanian number from overseas first ring your country's international access number then 613 then the local number.

Australia's international access number is 0011

1300 numbers are charged at the cost of a local call.

1800 numbers are free from fixed line services but may incur a fee from a mobile phone.

1300 and 1800 numbers are not accessible from outside Australia

000 calls are free.





Emergency calls from mobiles|112**

State Emergency Service (SES)|13 2500**

Lifeline: suicide prevention, mental health and crisis support|13 1114**

Poisons Information Centre|13 1126**


Non Emergencies

Amulance non emergencies only|1800 008 008**

Police non emergencies only|13 1444**

Crime Stoppers: to report crime anonymously|1800 333 000**



General Numbers

Metro Buses: public transport for Hobart, Launceston, and Burnie areas|13 2201**

Merseylink: Devonport Metropolitan Bus Service|1300 367 590 or 6423 3231**

Redline Coaches: statewide coach services|1300 360 000**

TassieLink: statewide coaches and tours|1300 300 520**

Tasmania Travel & Information Centre|1300 655 145 or 6230 8233**




Airport Cab Service Launceston|0409 131 008**

Airport Taxi Service Group Hobart|0418 179 202**

Australian Taxi Service Hobart|0411 286 780**

Burnie and Wynyard Taxi Service|6431 2199 or 13 1008**

Beaconsfield Taxi|0417 031 070**

Cygnet Taxis|0427 950 660**

Devonport Taxis|6424 1431**

Deloraine Radio Cabs|6362 3452**

Eastcoast Taxis St Helens|0417 513 599**

Flinders Island Taxi|6359 2112**

George Town Taxi Service|6382 1622**

Huonville Taxis|0408 125 130**

New Norfolk Taxis|6261 2323**

Port Arthur Airporter|0407 709 130**

Queenstown Taxis|6471 1588**

Taxi Combined Devonport|6424 1431**

Taxi Combined Launceston|13 2227**

Taxi Combined Hobart|13 2227**



Tasmania Police tourist tips

Department of Health and Human resources.- Hospital locations and health services

Tasmania Fire Service

Kidsafe Tasmania  information about baby and child safety.